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展览预告 | “报纸

时间:2022-11-03 11:18来源:网络整理 作者:佚名 点击:

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报纸香烟”Newspaper, Cigarettes

艺术家华庆 韩鸿阳 黄奕维 梁姝妮 王嘉成 王廉子 王小双 章逸雄 张正一

ArtistHua Qing, Han Hongyang, Huang Yiwei, Liang Shuni, Wang Jiacheng, Wang Lianzi, Wang Xiaoshuang, Zhang Yixiong, Zhang Zhengyi

故宫展览2017 展览_书画展览展览_香烟展览

展期Duration 2021.4.10 - 2021.5.31, 10:00-22:00

地点 芳草地画廊北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号 侨福芳草地 B座LG2-K-14(100020)

VenueParkview Green Art, No. K-14, LG2 Floor, B Tower, Parkview Green FangCaoDi,No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China (100020)


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由于每十人中约有一人识字,报纸并不普及,反而更多地用来卷烟 —— 细长的、质地上乘的香烟。


Newspaper, Cigarettes

Parkview Green Art is honouredto announce that the group exhibition Newspaper, Cigaretteswill open on April10th, 2021.Ankave, a primitive tribal village located in Kerema, the capital of Gulf Province, in Papua New Guinea, can only be reached by boat, walking or by helicopter. Ankave people still use hand-made clothes and ornaments: grass skirts, cloaks, and special body decorations. The government of Papua New Guinea provides them with medical care and a basic education (before that, the infant mortality rate was one death per three live births). In exchange, Ankave people, every five years, participate to the democratic election of the Papua New Guinea government. This is the only bridge between them and the modern world: they do not know any other political system in the world.

Given the fact that among Ankave people just one in ten is literate, newspapers are not widespread, and they are used to make long and fragrant cigarettes.

Taking newspapers and cigarettes as fil rouge of the show, the exhibition addresses issues related to contemporary life which is closely intertwined with primitivism and modernity. Modernity has shifted “time of Time" to the “time of Simultaneity”, aiming to create a new world of cohabitation. Is modern life more dangerous than primitive life? We are overwhelmed by information, however individual life is the only mystery that remains unsolved and unexplored. Maybe, if we just focus on figuring out our connection with sky, rivers, plants, we might find our personal and intimate answer.

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“报纸,香烟”展览现场Exhibition View ofNewspaper, Cigarettes

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芳草地画廊 Parkview Green Art

开放时间:全年开放 10:00-22:00

Opening Hours: Every day 10:00-22:00

【媒体垂询 I Media Contact】Tel: (8610) 5662 8257E-mail: gallery@parkviewgreen.com


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